70 Birthday Quiz Questions – Family unit-Friendly Party Fun

A birthday quiz is a great mode to celebrate a birthday, whether it's a tenth altogether or a 70th birthday! It makes the birthday boy or girl the absolute focus of the outcome and you might also detect out some things about them that you never knew before!

Why do a birthday quiz?

My mum had a major birthday a few weeks ago (we won't say which!) and we decided to throw her a political party. She's non really one for the limelight and so I thought a birthday quiz would be a skilful way to celebrate her life in a fun way.

My mum is quite a private person and so I worked difficult to discover questions that would exist fun and calorie-free-hearted without humiliating her. We also had children in that location so all the questions are family-friendly.

The final consideration was that some of the guests had known mum all her life, and some had only known her a twelvemonth. To make the playing field more fifty-fifty, I added in some questions which were multiple choice and some which could only be answered past guessing then everyone had a fair take chances of getting them right.

The birthday girl also joined in the quiz and her answers were final.

This altogether quiz has six rounds and seventy questions in total.

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The family-friendly altogether quiz

Round ane: Biography

The first circular of the birthday quiz is biography. This round is all about the birthday daughter's history and heritage. It's probably worth reassuring the guests that this is only the get-go round as I had a lot of people complain that they didn't know any of these answers…! Haha.

  1. What year was she built-in?
  2. What's her middle name?
  3. What are her mum and dad called?
  4. What was her mum'south maiden proper name?
  5. How many 1st cousins did she have?
  6. What was the family unit dog chosen?
  7. What size shoe is she?
  8. What was the first motorcar she endemic?
  9. How old was she when she got married?
  10. Promise old was she when she when her second child was born?

Round 2: Favourites

The adjacent round is near knowing the tastes and preferences of the birthday boy. Experience complimentary to suit these questions if in that location'south a large part of their personality that needs addressing (e.m. favourite football team or favourite soft toy!)

  1. Favourite color
  2. Favourite film
  3. Favourite song
  4. Favourite writer
  5. Favourite ice-cream flavor
  6. Favourite Boob tube channel
  7. Favourite bailiwick at school
  8. Favourite computer font
  9. Favourite holiday destination
  10. Favourite pastime

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Circular 3: If…!

For all your guests who are offset to wonder why they've even been invited to the political party because they've non know any answers so far, this is the round for them! The basic idea is to imagine what the birthday girl or boy would choose to be… simply, in all honesty, information technology could exist any of them! Haha.

It works like this:

If Fiona could be a shape , would she be a foursquare , a circle , a triangle , or a star ? And why??

  1. Shape – square, circle, triangle, star
  2. Dog – Dalmatian, pug, whippet, great Dane
  3. Item of vesture – t-shirt, dressing gown, waistcoat, swimming trunks
  4. Piece of technology – mobile phone, projector, car, clock
  5. Food dish – pizza, sandwich, curry, pasta bake

Round 4: This or that?

This is quick-burn round of the altogether quiz. Only read down the options and the party guests must cull which they think the birthday girl prefers.

  1. Android or Apple
  2. Shower or bath
  3. Internet explorer or Firefox
  4. Summer or winter
  5. Ketchup or mayonnaise
  6. Cat or dog
  7. Tea or coffee
  8. White or red (wine)
  9. Trainers or shoes
  10. Play sport or play music
  1. Apple tree or banana
  2. Habitation or abroad
  3. Early on bird or night owl
  4. Book or TV
  5. Go out or stay in
  6. Comfy or stylish
  7. Comedy or action
  8. Good company or good food
  9. Dinner party or BBQ
  10. Stripes or spots

metallic wrapping paper presents - birthday quiz - how well do you know the birthday girl or birthday boy

Round five: Worsts

Similar to the favourites round, nosotros now take to look at the things they don't like.

  1. Worst household job
  2. Worst colour
  3. Worst pizza topping
  4. Worst weather
  5. Worst self-intendance job (e.g. dressing, washing, shaving, teeth, toe nails)
  6. Worst game
  7. Worst school subject
  8. Worst animal
  9. Worst season
  10. Worst Idiot box show

Round 6: Have you ever…?

The terminal ready of questions in the birthday quiz is another quick-burn down round. Guests just have to write yes or no depending on whether they call up the altogether boy has done this thing or not. This was also the round that acquired the near surprises and discussions when nosotros did it…!

Accept you always (y or no) …

  1. Broken a bone?
  2. Broken a window?
  3. Been on Idiot box?
  4. Had a friend who shared the same birthday as yous?
  5. Locked your keys in the motorcar?
  6. Accidentally sent a text or email to the wrong person?
  7. Sat in the back of a police car?
  8. Fallen comatose at work?
  9. Fabricated a snowfall affections?
  10. Eaten peanut butter straight from the jar?
  11. Forgotten your wedding anniversary?
  12. Forged someone'southward signature?
  13. Ridden a horse?
  14. Flown in a helicopter?
  15. Googled yourself?

That'south the end of the birthday quiz. Tot up the scores and find out who truly knows the birthday girl or boy all-time…! And if you're looking for some more fab birthday party ideas, check out my colossal listing of party ideas by clicking the image below.

The Colossal List of Party ideas for kids - 57 fun kids' party ideas

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Birthday Quiz - here are 70 birthday quiz questions for some fun birthday party ideas for adults. This is a family friendly quiz with rounds like this or that questions and multiple choice biography questions