What Is the Best Aspect Ratio for Powerpoint if You Dont Know the Size of the Screens

So you get your new Goggle box home, set information technology up, and burn down up your favorite 90s sitcom, only to exist greeted by huge black confined on either side. What were minor, nigh imperceptible confined on the sides of your old 43" Tv are at present massive eight" wide black pillars on either side of the image on your new 75" Goggle box.

These black bars are there because your favorite TV show was made in a different era, when TVs had a very unlike attribute ratio from the electric current generation. But what is the aspect ratio? We will talk a bit about the history of TVs, why different aspect ratios exist, and what you can do to get rid of them, or at least make them less noticeable.

What is the attribute ratio?

The aspect ratio is the ratio between the width and the height of a display. It defines its overall shape, and information technology is usually presented every bit W:H (where Due west is the width, and H is the elevation). All TVs sold today have an aspect ratio of sixteen:ix, which means that if the width is divided into sixteen equal parts, the peak of the Boob tube or moving-picture show should exist ix parts.

xvi:ix works bully for TVs, since that is the aspect ratio used by the majority of today'southward Television receiver shows, but unfortunately, well-nigh movies are made using the movie theater standard, which is 21:9. 21:9 is much wider, so parts of the screen need to be filled with black bars higher up and below the prototype in order to fit well-nigh TVs. These horizontal confined are chosen "letterboxes."

Television shows used to be made using a 4:3 aspect ratio, which is a lot more than foursquare than electric current TVs (this is why xvi:nine is oft chosen a widescreen aspect ratio). To fit modern TVs, vertical black bars or "pillarboxing" is used. We've listed the most common aspect ratios in this tabular array, but every Goggle box sold today uses 16:9.

Aspect Ratio

Uses TVs
4:3 1.33:1 SD Channels Sometime TVs
16:9 1.77:i Hard disk drive Channels The bulk of HDTVs
21:9 two.37:1 Most movies Most theaters
xiv:10 1.4:i IMAX Film Very few theaters
19:ten 1.9:1 IMAX Digital Most IMAX theaters

The nigh common aspect ratios in the video industry.

What does it expect like?

Black bars on different aspect ratio Black confined fill the actress space when the aspect ratio of the screen and content practice non match.

When the aspect ratio of the content you lot are trying to picket doesn't friction match the aspect ratio of your TV, you'll usually end upwards with black bars.

Depending on the type of mismatch betwixt the picture and the display's ratio, the black bars announced in unlike places. Content wider than the screen it is played on volition have horizontal black bars, while content that is taller will use vertical bars.

As you tin can run into, when you picket a 21:nine picture on a normal sixteen:9 widescreen Idiot box, you will accept some black bars at the top and lesser. This is represented past the peak heart TV in the illustration.

How to get rid of them

Original 4:3 picture Original picture

Stretched to fit

Cropped to fit

If the blackness confined bother you, unfortunately, at that place is no magic solution that tin remove them without altering the paradigm. There are a few options though, including:

  • Cropping the moving picture is the equivalent of zooming, but it removes the tiptop and bottom of the pic.
  • Stretching retains all the information merely information technology distorts the image to fit your screen.

Different TVs take different settings for this, so here'southward a tabular array with the different options found on dissimilar brands, as well as their specific proper name. Some of them accept two types of zoom; either two levels of crop or one of them combines both zoom and stretch at the aforementioned time.

Make Stretch Ingather Crop #2
Sony Full Zoom Wide Zoom (Zoom+Stretch)
Samsung Fit to screen Zoom/Position N/A
LG sixteen:9 All Direction Zoom Vertical Zoom (Zoom+Vertical Stretch)
TCL Stretch Zoom Normal (Overscan feature)

IMAX Aspect ratio

IMAX scene in Interstellar

16:ix scene in Interstellar

IMAX movies and theaters are a consummate ecosystem that encompasses everything from cameras, speakers, room shapes, screen finishes, and even film types. More than importantly, though, part of IMAX'southward proprietary organization is their own aspect ratio. IMAX has a few different ratios used now to suit for different types of rooms, but there are two major ones: 1.nine:ane and 1.4:1.

  • 1.nine:ane is meant for more standard digital projectors and is used in IMAX Digital theaters. Information technology is a scrap taller than the standard Cinema ii.35:1 (21:9) ratio.
  • 1.4:i is the more iconic ratio. It is incredibly tall and almost square in shape. This is what IMAX is nigh known for since the screens are unremarkably much larger than normal movie house theaters and the elevation makes them a very immersive experience.

Most movies today that apply IMAX withal are filmed with a mixture of 21:ix ratio and one.four:one IMAX. As seen in the picture above, IMAX content fills upward the entirety of the 16:9 screen. The paradigm itself goes beyond the meridian of a 16:9 TV, but it is cropped in Blu-ray films to fit the screen. You don't get the whole experience, but you still get a more than complete motion-picture show than if information technology was letterboxed to the standard cinema ratio.

What are 21:nine ratio TVs?

Comparaison between 21:9 CinemaWide and 16:9 television A 58" 21:9 Tv set is equivalent to a 61" for 21:9 media, just only 47" for 16:nine media.

21:9 TVs were made a few years ago and were aimed at cinephiles since they friction match the standard motion pictures aspect ratio and allow you to lookout movies from edge to edge of your screen. They aren't available anymore, and they were rare, and expensive, even at the time of their release. A few prototypes have been demonstrated in recent years, including a model that can change its aspect ratio to match the content, merely nothing has been released.

Unless you only plow on your TV to watch movies, you're better off with a standard 16:nine Television set. Watching normal TV shows on a cinema-broad screen causes it to evidence black confined on either side, which isn't keen. This reduces the viewing area for sixteen:nine content considerably. A 58" 21:9 television corresponds to the aforementioned viewing area as a 47" TV for 16:9 content, as y'all can see in the illustration.

Nowadays, the 21:9 ratio is only found on PC monitors. It roughly equates to 2 iv:3 monitors side by side. Some PC monitors get even wider, causing even 21:nine movies to have vertical blackness bars. These are expert for both productivity and immersive gaming.


Present, the vast bulk of TV shows are made, and distributed, using a 16:9 aspect ratio, and then is every TV. Movies are ordinarily produced in a 21:ix aspect ratio, which results in horizontal black bars above and below the prototype on standard TVs. There are a few monitors out at that place that have a 21:ix aspect ratio, but despite multiple attempts by manufacturers, this has never caught on for home utilise, mainly because it results in vertical bars on the sides of TV shows.


Source: https://www.rtings.com/tv/learn/what-is-the-aspect-ratio-4-3-16-9-21-9

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