The Inside of This Ring Is Bigger Than Me or You Will Ever Know

Buying a wedding band when you lot have skinny fingers and big knuckles.

If you're ane of those people who have skinny fingers and big knuckles, it may be catchy when it comes to buying your wedding ring. Many of our clients with large knuckles opt for a wedding ring that slides over the knuckle. Unfortunately, once over the knuckle, the wedding band feels loose and does not fit properly. Trying a smaller wedding ring just inflames the knuckle. Repeatedly trying on different options only makes things worse.

Skinny fingers and big knuckle trying to find a wedding ring to fit

Large knuckles and skinny fingers can go far very difficult when ownership a wedding ring

Why do some people have skinny fingers and large knuckles?

Some clients have naturally larger knuckles than others. One client referred to her fingers every bit strings with big knots! Sadly, some people suffer a big knuckle on account of an injury to the finger. A broken knuckle often remains larger than the rest. Getting a band to fit properly can be tricky at the best of times.

Making sure yous accept the correct finger for your wedding ring

In the Uk, Nuptials rings typically sit on the left hand. The wedding band is placed on the third finger (next to your smallest finger.) In add-on, the wedding ring typically goes on showtime, ahead of the engagement band.

Accommodate a ring sizer as the starting point before choosing your ring

Before choosing your band, it is possible to get a proficient thought of your finger size around the correct part of the finger. Our Multisizer strap goes around the fleshy part of the finger without sliding onto the hand. This will provide a skilful idea of size. In addition, we are available to help advise on further size options and designs beyond this point.

Order your ring sizer today

Our ring sizer makes a handy tool to check size. Don't push the tool to the base of operations of the finger. Instead make certain the measurement is mid-way.

Remember, we refund the small cost dorsum on any subsequent order placed at Serendipity Diamonds. The post-obit video shows another jewellery store demonstrating the Multisizer tool.

Choosing an culling finger for your hymeneals ring

A simple solution few people think of involves wearing your wedding ring on the other mitt. If your nuptials ring finger on the left hand was cleaved, consider wearing the wedding ring on your contrary hand. In this situation, comfort becomes more important than tradition.

browse wedding rings

Deciding on the best ring size to go over a slightly enlarged knuckle

With a little hand cream practical to the finger, choose a wedding band size that feels slightly tight over the knuckle. One time over the knuckle, it may feel a little loose, only it will be secure on the finger without the risk of falling off.

Wedding Rings for Cleaved, Bloated or Arthritic Knuckles

Special circumstances require different solutions. If your knuckle is large owing to Arthritis, or from a by injury, we accept other suggestions. One solution involves soldering small bars or pips onto the inside of a slightly larger wedding ceremony band. The additional pips grip the finger once over the knuckle. This method often requires modification to get the size of the pips merely correct.

Sizing Beads : Trial and Error

Pocket-size pips or sizing beads work well. That is to say, they make the fit amend. Additionally rings fitted with sizing beads go over arthritic knuckles. However, there is a certain corporeality of trial and error. Sizing beads are not an exact science. With this in mind, chat with your jeweller to get a amend thought of price and the process involved.

Best wedding ring profiles for large knuckles

We recommend a pronounced courtroom shape on the inside of your wedding band. The court shape features a rounded surface. This glides over the knuckle easier than a flat interior surface. Ask us nearly suitable styles with a court or comfort fit.

Half diamond eternity ring in rose gold set with Aprils birthstone

A slim ring with a condolement fit fits easier onto a finger with a larger knuckle. Blueprint shown 'Organized religion' with a matching diamond wedding ceremony ring.

Does width affect the fit of a wedding band?

Wider hymeneals bands fit tighter on the finger. A slim ring in the aforementioned finger size lies against less flesh. As a result, a slim nuptials ring feels looser. Finger mankind bunches around a slim finger. In contrast, a broad ring forces pare under the band. Factor in a sharp or flat edge with a wide band and the fit tin can exist uncomfortably tight.

Men's wide patterned heartbeat wedding ring

If you lot choose a wide wedding ring, make sure it has a comfort fit which glides onto the finger easier.

Hinged engagement rings and wedding rings

Some other option involves adapting a band with a hinge and catch. Rather than going over the knuckle, information technology fits effectually the finger and locks. There are several companies offering this service such equally Cliq jewelry in the Us.

Hymeneals rings with a split ring

Not necessarily on account of swollen knuckles, but influenced past design, we sometimes craft wedding rings with a dissever band. This solution may lend itself to situations where a client has an enlarged knuckle.

Split band shaped wedding ring

Showing the split band wedding ceremony ring, fitted to the 'catamenia' appointment ring by bespoke design.

Preparing to put your wedding ring on during the wedding anniversary

Before your wedding, utilize a pocket-sized corporeality of hand cream to the ring finger ahead of the ceremony. This will moisturise the finger and permit the ring to glide onto the hand, far easier than without.

Ring clips,  ring snuggies and temporary solutions to make a band tighter

There are several different temporary solutions for making rings tighter. Ring Snuggies offer a flexible plastic wrap effectually the band. We don't recommend metal ring clips. Hard metal ring clips oftentimes scratch precious metal when removed or when fitted. Some Ring Snuggies feature a plastic spiral fitting—a clever design to pack out the underside of the band without dissentious the ring.

Is your wedding band besides large?

Should y'all consider making your nuptials band smaller? Is your hymeneals band also big? Many of our clients feel issues when their hymeneals ring is as well big. Don't put upwardly with a big wedding ring. To prevent losing the band, conform to have your wedding ceremony ring re-sized. A band too big requires some specialist attention. Speak to your jeweller virtually keeping the hallmark. If the hallmark cannot exist kept, discuss re-hallmarking the band. Past the same token, don't forget to mention any engravings within the band.

Your best first step if yous have big knuckles and slim fingers

We recommend a conversation earlier making any determination. Ideally, we recommend clients visit us. During an in-depth engagement, we discuss your personal state of affairs and make sensible suggestions. Many of our clients suffer from big duke and nosotros work very hard to provide the best solution for the best fitting hymeneals ring possible.

What to do if you're wedding ceremony ring had to be cutting off

In contempo months, some of our new clients, unfortunately, had wedding rings cut off their manus. Attributable to bloated easily, or accidents, the hymeneals rings could not be removed. As a consequence, they had to be cutting. For this reason, we added to our original article with some further assist.

If your ring has to be cut off, ask the person cutting the band to be sympathetic. Explicate the ring will need to be repaired.

If your ring cannot be repaired, information technology tin be re-made. We regularly re-brand original wedding rings working to the same design. The commission beneath shows the original ring with the new ring alongside. We tin even use your original golden, adding more metallic where necessary.

re-making a wedding ring
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Mark Johnson

About Marking Johnson

Marking attended Liverpool University and went on to pursue a career in the diamond manufacture. After more than a decade working in polished diamonds, Mark moved to the Isle of Wight where he launched Serendipity Diamonds. He works most days from their busy Ryde exhibit, photographing jewellery and writing for the Serendipity Diamonds website.


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