Chrome Soft Golf Ball With Truvis Technology Review

When Callaway Truvis golf balls were first introduced in that location were some people – fifty-fifty inside the company – who thought they would just exist a fad.

That's if they even made it off the ideas table.

They were something a flake different, a gimmick, and people like those sort of things for a brusque menstruum of time.

There take been a few wacky innovations in golf equipment over the years which went abroad most as quickly as they came.

Y'all all recall the ice cake putter right? Well, exactly.

Merely it was a good few years ago now when Callaway's president Fleck Brewer walked into a meeting and announced they were going to start making Truvis golf balls.

Callaway Truvis Golf Balls

They were made reluctantly, to keep the boss happy. Only they haven't gone abroad. In fact, they are more popular than e'er.

The brand have had to introduce new machines only to make Truvis balls equally they were struggling to continue up with need.

Callaway Truvis golf game assurance were launched into their Chrome Soft franchise – hands downwardly the most successful golf ball in the brand's history.

And so it was being added as an option to an already hugely popular golf ball.

What are Callaway Truvis golf assurance?

Callaway Truvis Golf Balls

For those of you who don't know – it'due south fairly obvious looking at the pictures – they are golf balls with patterns on them making them look a bit like a football game.

What is the theory behind Callaway Truvis golf game balls?

The definition of Truvis is "giving true vision of motility and depth perception of the movement of a golf ball by application of symmetrical patterns."

Callaway Truvis Golf Balls

Put but, Truvis make the brawl wait bigger and therefore can inspire more than confidence at address.

Information technology'southward all an optical illusion as the assurance are exactly the same size equally regular golf balls but conviction in golf is a huge thing.

Are there whatever other performance benefits to the Callaway Truvis golf assurance?

Callaway Truvis Golf Balls

"Information technology's easier to see and follow in the air and find, and it's easier to differentiate in your group," said Callaway'south director of golf balls Jason Finley.

"It also helps with alignment. We tested and evaluated a ton of different colours.

"We plant the brighter, bolder colours stood out a lot more, and the original red and white paired with the packaging of the Chrome Soft."

Yous can also come across the ball spin which gives golfers visceral feedback on performance.

Why practice golfers love the Callaway Truvis golf assurance?

Callaway Truvis Golf Balls

"Information technology has been really fun to watch it happen," Finley added.

"Right from the fourth dimension when nosotros first started doing it to when we first introduced information technology to customers to where information technology is now.

"All conversations are always most Truvis. When can I go it? Where tin can I get it? How can I get it? I'd love to become it in this color. And then I've spent a lot of fourth dimension on Truvis golf game balls over the past couple of years."

How did the Callaway Truvis golf game balls come about?

Callaway Truvis Golf Balls

"Bit (Brewer, Callaway's president) was at Wentworth and saw this crazy guy on the dark-green with a blueprint he'd drawn on his golf balls," said SVP of Marketing, Harry Arnett.

"He came back into a staff coming together and said what do you lot think of these? We were similar what do you mean? They are hideous. Get those out of here.

"He was similar 'I remember we should do this' and we were unanimously saying he'd lost his listen. Chip's like, 'merely effigy out a fashion to practice this'.

"We launched it just to appease Bit. But we have been struggling to keep upwards with demand.

"On its own, every bit a golf ball, information technology would be near the fourth or fifth biggest golf brawl company in America – it's crazy."

What colours of Callaway Truvis golf balls are bachelor?

Callaway Truvis Golf Balls

The original launch colour was red and white with a yellowish and blackness model introduced slightly after.

There is also a limited edition white and pinkish model currently available.

Callaway Truvis golf balls continue to become from strength to strength and we expect new and exciting things from the franchise in the near futurity…

More information on the Callaway Truvis golf assurance, which have an SRP of £32.99, can be found on the Callaway website.


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